Your Country
William Crighton, ft. William Barton & Julieanne Crighton
Taking control of our own future is essential for survival and as part of that we must make government and corporations leave behind greed and embrace symbiosis with nature.
Why we wrote this song
The natural environment has always been close to my heart. We ARE it not separate from it. We breathe with earth. History is complex and its clear that humans have the capacity to destroy the environment and treat each other with great cruelty. However, it’s also in our nature to care for earth and each other, living in symbiosis and ensuring a better shot at a happier future for all. Too often our power structures exploit our darker nature, creating fear amongst the population and rewarding greed. This has had a devastating impact on the environment. The future will belong to those who learn and respect the old ways of living with Mother Nature as well as developing and embracing new forms of technology that can help sustain our lives and repair some of the damage done. Uncle Pat Conolly, a Wiradjuri Elder, said to me “We all bleed red, this land is a part of everyone and opens it’s arms to everyone”. I think people of all backgrounds can have a personal relationship with nature, after all, we belong to it. Your country, my country, our responsibility.
About us as artists
William Crighton grew up in small towns around the Riverina, NSW. A fusion of traditional music and unexpected experimentation, William’s songs explore vivid stories across colourful themes and musical manifestations. From tales of murder and suicide to love and euphoric conversations with ants. A child in awe of nature William is now a passionate environmentalist working against environmental destruction both on the ground and through his music “Life to me is about relationships. Not just with people. We’re all family one way or another. Navigating these relationships and staying afloat on the great emotional torrent is obviously not always easy but it certainly means that stories are everywhere. I like to find them and explore them” – William Crighton
About the music video
The environmental organisations we admire or support
Any organisation or group that actively fights against pollution and deforestation and fights for regenerative agriculture and peaceful living. Specifically: Lock The Gate (and all other anti CSG organisations), Stop Adani, Glenugie Blockade, Gathering For Gomeroi, Bush Heritage, Extinction Rebellion, Green Music Australia, Greenpeace and Sea Shepard.