Singing Up Country
Kutcha Edwards
Country and culture transcend time and place and should be respected
Why I wrote this song
We were gathered on Gunai/Kurnai Country, Lakes Entrance. All of a sudden – the line came out of nowhere. We knew where it came from – Ancestors. “No More Silence On The Land, Here To Make You Understand”
There is a strong sense of belonging and calling out from Country within the song, way beyond the resonance of the ear. The song talks to healing through practice of Ceremony and the protection of Country.
About me as an artist
Proud Mutti Mutti man Kutcha uses his mesmeric music to create connections across cultures, generations, and spaces. His charismatic stage presentations deepen our understanding of Australia’s first people. His achievements include winning the Fellowship of Australia Award, Aboriginal Person of the Year and The Melbourne Music Prize.
In 2021, Kutcha released his latest and most significant album ‘Circling Time’ with stunning reviews and nominations for both the Australian Music Prize and a Music Victoria Award. ‘Circling Time – Songs & Stories’ was toured to Victoria, NSW and WA.
About the music video
‘Singing Up Country’ video was designed around giving space for visual representation of concepts reflecting:
• Ceremony & the protection of lore, place, custom, language, spiritual belief, cultural practice, family and identity
• The relationship & connection to Country
• The connection between the physical & the spirit
• The intergenerational passing on of knowledge.
• The interdependent relationship between spirit and ancestral lands and waters
• The reciprocal relationship between Country and people being sustained by land and cultural knowledge.
The environmental organisations I admire or support
Bunna Lawrie, Lock The Gate